Crysalys is a catalyst for change and a facilitator for other community services to transform approaches to work together within communities.
We are building and developing relationships with local, regional and national cross—sector service providers to develop core partnerships so we can undertake pilot projects with a small number of targeted beneficiaries towards collectively creating trauma-informed community solutions that work. We will then go on to transfer that learning, models and impacts across the UK.
We will work with partners and families to co-produce trauma-informed models of excellence. Co-production is a proven approach to co-create effective service models with communities to increase outcomes and impact success.
Where there are gaps in services we will fill them with training and development. We will use continuous reviews to adapt and improve our models - keeping a flexible and outcomes driven focus.
We want to harness the best of existing community good practice, services, resources and ambition to facilitate the co-ordination of trauma-led interventions. A holistic trauma-informed response as a viable solution for the whole family with multi-generational approaches. We’re proposing a complete transformation of the current platform of community services in the UK based on strengths and asset-based models, re-deploying assets, people and purposes. We have lofty and bold ambitions – and we’ve already started putting them into practice.
Our current partners include:
The Linder Foundation
Blueberry Wellbeing
The National Lottery Community Fund
Service Six
Faraway Children’s Charity
The Chrysalis Programme
Nene Valley Care Trust
Centre for Justice Innovation
Sikh Community Centre & Youth Club
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
Right Resolution
The Maud Elkington Charitable Trust
Centre for Social Justice
Survivor’s Network
All Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood
Gwent CAMHS In Reach
Traumatic Stress Wales
The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society
Stand Out Northamptonshire
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Services
Northamptonshire Police
Northamptonshire County Youth Bench
Northamptonshire Youth Offending Service
Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts
University of Northampton
Company No: 11080543.
Registered Charity No. 1189120.
Registered Address:
298 Wellingborough Road
T: 07495 539 611
Crysalys is a catalyst for change and a facilitator for other community services to transform approaches to work together within communities.
We are building and developing relationships with local, regional and national cross—sector service providers to develop core partnerships so we can undertake pilot projects with a small number of targeted beneficiaries towards collectively creating trauma-informed community solutions that work. We will then go on to transfer that learning, models and impacts across the UK.
We will work with partners and families to co-produce trauma-informed models of excellence. Co-production is a proven approach to co-create effective service models with communities to increase outcomes and impact success.
Where there are gaps in services we will fill them with training and development. We will use continuous reviews to adapt and improve our models - keeping a flexible and outcomes driven focus.
We want to harness the best of existing community good practice, services, resources and ambition to facilitate the co-ordination of trauma-led interventions. A holistic trauma-informed response as a viable solution for the whole family with multi-generational approaches. We’re proposing a complete transformation of the current platform of community services in the UK based on strengths and asset-based models, re-deploying assets, people and purposes. We have lofty and bold ambitions – and we’ve already started putting them into practice.
Our current partners include:
The Linder Foundation
Blueberry Wellbeing
The National Lottery Community Fund
Service Six
Faraway Children’s Charity
The Chrysalis Programme
Nene Valley Care Trust
Centre for Justice Innovation
Sikh Community Centre & Youth Club
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
Right Resolution
The Maud Elkington Charitable Trust
Centre for Social Justice
Survivor’s Network
All Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood
Gwent CAMHS In Reach
Traumatic Stress Wales
The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society
Stand Out Northamptonshire
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Services
Northamptonshire Police
Northamptonshire County Youth Bench
Northamptonshire Youth Offending Service
Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts
University of Northampton